Precix Products are Proudly Made in the USA

Quality Certifications

As one of the quality leaders in the elastomer industry, Precix is certified for quality and compliance with the following organizations. View and/or print the following quality/business certifications: Quality System Status (PDF)

Quality Certifications

UL Certifications

Precix has numerous compounds under the MH8250 (Gaskets and Seals – Component) umbrella that can be found by visiting the UL Certifications Directory at

Qualified Product List (QPL)

Precix F139 (AMS7379), F19 (AMS7287), F75 (AMS7276), F90 (AMS7259), G04 (AMS-R-25988), G16 (AMS-R-25988), G20 (AMS7273) , G21 (AMS-R-25988), G88 (AMS-R-25988), and PO3 (AMS7257) are all QPL listed. For a complete listing of our AMS/MIL (QPL) compounds click here.

ISO Certification
IATF Certification
ISO certification
PL Certification
Ru Certification
AC7115 Certification
ANAB Certification

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