Precix Products are Proudly Made in the USA

The typical process to make a Precix o-ring and/or custom seal is extensive (a full 11 steps warehouse to warehouse) and each operation is core and critical to the end-function of the part. Since 2009 we have spent more than $12M to update and modernize our equipment for we understand and support that continuous improvement is not a destination, it truly is a journey. Also, what was good enough before is not good enough now as we have moved from measuring parts per million to parts per billion.

A quick view of our process is shown below.
cutting custom elastomers for o-rings

Precix mixes 1+ million pounds of elastomer on two state-of-the-art tilt mixers. Keeping mixing in house means complete traceability from the very start of the elastomer food chain.

typing in specifications for Manufacturing o-rings.

From skanes for stand load to ID/OD preps for larger parts, our four extrusion lines ensure top quality prep.

Press that manufactures o-rings

110+ steam driven molding machines.

O-ring manufacturing

$1.5M spent on a state-of-the-art, climate controlled room along with 10+ new deflash machines.

machinery used to manufacture O-rings

All parts are washed to a 1 Micron level of cleanliness.

quality assurance for o-rings

The largest installed base of digital inspection equipment is found at Precix in New Bedford, MA. 
Nearly 50,000,000 parts per week are inspected and validated in this state-of-the-art room.



We are the most trusted name in fuel seals, Precix® o-rings and custom elastomer solutions especially when aggressive chemicals and temperature extremes are the norm and failure is not an option.  Our operations and setup allows us to seamlessly integrate our products, processes and people into your operations – becoming a natural extension of your business and helping you succeed. 

If you are looking for help with seals, o-rings or any other custom elastomeric solutions then call us at 1-800-225-8505.  

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