Precix Products are Proudly Made in the USA

Custom Elastomer Solutions (CES)

Designing and Manufacturing Seals for the toughest conditions

Precix® designs and manufactures a diverse set of custom molded products for a variety of markets and industries including Energy (oil patch/natural gas), Food Processing and general industrial applications (grommets, gaskets, miscellaneous shapes). Full in-house material, product and tooling engineering departments integrate with your engineering needs to design the optimal sealing solution. Non-linear finite element analysis (FEA) is often incorporated to test out a concept before going to prototype.

The Precix Development Engineering Team includes design engineers, chemists, tool designers, technicians and process experts who develop and manufacture custom elastomer solutions that deliver cost-effective and environmentally responsible high performance.

Talk to an expert: 800.225.8505
When Highest Quality Counts, Work With An Industry Leader...

Our highest quality engineering and manufacturing standards have kept us going for over a century. 
Learn more about our quality certifications here.

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